Aparna Enterprises Ltd. organised a gala event PROFAB 2019-20 to felicitate uPVC fabricators from across the country. The event was organised to honour the fabricators who have been consistently encouraging and supporting the Okotech brand.
The new high capacity machine had helped them in increasing the production capacity from 300 tons to 450 tons per month. “In the currently fiscal also they intend to invest further in increasing our production capacity as well as strengthening our distribution network,” said Choudhary.
The PROFAB 2019-20 event was held at hotel Crowne Plaza, Gurgaon and witnessed the presence of fabricators from across the country. The event also witnessed Aparna Enterprises Ltd., recognizing the fabricators with awards. The awards were given to fabricators for various categories including fabricators promoting brand through primary and secondary sales in east, west, north & south Regions.