Schueco India recently launched its new panorama design slim sliding system AS PD 70.NI for the Indian market at the iDAC Expo, Mumbai. It is a high-quality system with a high degree of flexibility to meet architect and homeowner’s requirements in functionality and design. The sliding system can reach a maximum height of 4.5 metres.
Designed especially for private homes, the Schueco panorama design slim sliding system with its floor-to-ceiling glazing allows natural light to flood your home. The system offers a combination of a slim interlock section and a concealed outer frame that creates an uninterrupted view from the inside to the outside. The new system meets the highest performance requirements and is easy to use.
Product Highlight:
• Concealed outer frames for an all glass look
• Integrated handle which adds to the sleek aesthetic design language
• Maximum height of 4.5 mts. with individual vents as large as 3 mts in width
• Interlock options of 19 mm & 25 mm
• Overlapping interlocks provide the same slim face width even for a two track four shutter typology.
• Glass combinations from 14 mm to 40 mm
• High-performance (wind load, sound reduction, water & air tightness)
• Unique ‘dynamic threshold’ – smooth interplay of precision engineered components to provide a dynamic, barrier-free threshold which is available at the bottom. This mechanism is designed to operate ‘only when necessary’, making it child-safe and fool-proof
• Unique ‘dynamic side frame’ – applied technology to achieve a dynamic, flush outer frame on the sides with no visible cavities. This not only adds to the aesthetics but also prevents dust accumulation on the sides while the sliding system is left open.
Unique feature – dynamic side frame
“We are very excited to take the AS PD 70.NI to our architects, home-owners and fabrication partners. The feedback has been highly encouraging and this product launch strengthens our already wide portfolio of panorama design slim sliding system in the Indian market,” says Ayaz Danish, National Manager – Private Homes Business, Schueco India Private Limited. “We have already started working on various private home projects across India with this new system and are looking forward to creating many more outstanding buildings in the near future”, he added.
For more details on the product, contact:
Schueco India Private Limited Mumbai