The project, Institute of Technology & Applied Research at Coimbatore, was a direct derivation of the client. The managing trusty Gopal Krishnan was clear in his mind to have a functional and sustainable campus with technology i.e., the latest yet economical.

The whole campus has been planned in six established modules, each module being an independent department

The campus was to be designed on the outskirts of Coimbatore city providing large unadulterated areas for us to design. It was important for us as planners to ensure to understanding of the workings of the engineering college thereby providing comfort and accessibility to the management staff and the students in departments


Coimbatore having a very pleasant and endurable climate throughout the year played an important role for us in the process of planning. Everything was established around a large courtyard this courtyard was responsible for:

  • Creating microclimate in the whole area thus bringing more comfort
  • Providing vistas for crass ventilation
  • Providing soothing and landscaped green areas to be a part of the campus
  • Providing an area for congregation and concerts
Institute of Technology & Applied Research
Institute of Technology & Applied Research at Coimbatore

The whole project is established around a large courtyard this courtyard combined juxtaposition of the blocks is a combination of masses with spaces in between the two blocks acting as air – shoots for cross ventilation These areas provide access and ingress of the natural air to pass through with

Institute of Technology & Applied Research
The materials are local using granite primarily in the lobby and corridor areas/The beautifully landscaped gardens and courtyards are soothing and provide beautiful vistas

The whole campus has been planned in six established modules, each module being an independent department. These six blocks are interlinked with a central corridor, which provides constant accessibility within and from one point to another.

Institute of Technology & Applied Research

The unit is an assemblage of classrooms, tutorial rooms, electric halls, staff rooms and other basic amenities. All usable rooms are assembled around the central corridor, which is brightly lit and highlights every entry door. The play of materials in the departments gives identity and importance to the purpose of every activity.

The planning is user-friendly and directional. Service shafts have been provided for the easy movement of services so that they can be regulated and serviced. In this block, a unit is replicated identically in the other five blocks thus creating a blocking that is thematic and systematic. The combined juxtaposition of the blocks is the combination of masses with spaces in between the two blocks acting as air shoots for cross ventilation. These areas provide access and ingress of the natural air to pass through with velocity.

Institute of Technology & Applied Research

The campus is adopted with all sustainable measures such as passive design elements, solar panels, calculated light fittings, non-toxic paints, adequate natural light and ventilation and acoustical-treated lecture halls. Going to the technology it does not mean the principles of aesthetics and design were compromised- in fact, the technology followed the design. It was the vision of the client lay down in brick and mortar mud architecture.

Institute of Technology & Applied Research
Landscape Plan

The materials are local using granite primarily in the lobby and corridor areas. Non-slippery tiles are placed in the classrooms the window size is proportionate to the volume of the room and windows operate manually for the ingress of the light and ventilation.

The exterior cladding is Dholpur stone with white panels on the shafts. Going beyond the normal design parameters it was a wise decision to create a mini forest zone on the southwest direction with planted trees providing wonderful space for biodiversity thereby gaining additional points in GRIHA.

The beautifully landscaped gardens and courtyards are soothing and provide beautiful vistas to both the people working inside the campus and the passersby. There are places for people to gather, study, be at leisure and harness the ambience of beauty and a planned natural environment.




  • Project: Institute of Technology & Applied Research
  • Client: Managing trustee Sh. Gopal Krishnan, PSG, Coimbatore
  • Architect: Ar. Sangeet Sharma
  • Area: 1.75 lakhs Sq ft
  • GRIHA Rating: As 5 star (final stage)

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