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Sudhakar uPVC Windows and Doors

Sustainable Window and Doors, Not an Option but a Way of Living

By: Amir Hashmi, profine India Window Technology Pvt. Ltd.

These days, sustainability is a hot topic across all the industries, and more and more responsible industries are taking initiatives to engage and promote sustainability by producing eco-friendly products having sustainable methods from production to supply and after sales service.

Infrastructure is one such industry which has a major role to play towards sustainability, and this industry requires more and more natural resources to meet their demands. uPVC is such material which is 100% lead-free and sustainable in nature, it can be recycled without loosing its natural properties and remain unchanged for developing products many times. uPVC windows and doors are response to the growing demand of sustainable products used in the booming infrastructure market.

uPVC window and door systems have become popular in the last 10 years and growing its share in the overall fenestration market, reasons for this growth are a) these systems are durable and does not require high maintenance cost; b) uPVC insulation properties and advanced design make the system thermally insulated, thus makes indoor climate cozy during summer or winter; c) professional fabrication and installation provide barrier against unwanted outside sound, dust and water leakage; d) aesthetically appealing with option of colours and woodgrain finishes to complement architecture of buildings and importantly e) eco-friendly, lead-free and 100% recyclable.

With the presence of these advanced window and door systems, Indian fenestration market is taking a new growth of progress and making the industry organized, which further makes the end customer more aware of these modern systems. In the last 10- 15 years, Indian fenestration industry has witnessed good brands raising the quality and service bar for these window and door systems. Koemmerling- a German brand is one of the early brands that entered in the Indian fenestration market to share their technical advancement and more than 125 years of legacy in the business. The brand has a strong international presence and supplies a wide range of premium window and door systems to more than 100 countries across the globe. It has production units in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Great Britain, the United States of America, China and India making smooth logistics to any location of the world. In India, the brand is operational for nearly two decades having a strong sales presence across the country. Koemmerling has a wide range of products designed to meet varied weather challenges of India. The product range contains casement windows and doors, casement windows with grill and mesh, tilt and turn windows, top hung windows, sliding doors, sliding windows, lift and slide doors, slide and fold doors etc. All these systems are weather-resistant, durable, and eco-friendly and come with range of colour and woodgrain options to suit the interior/exterior of the building.

In India there are many companies supplying uPVC windows and doors, the customer needs to understand on the quality and service aspects of the brand to make best of their hard-earned money. If your deciding factor is only price, then you may face quality issues related to the material being used to produce these systems. Cheap quality material will affect the durability of the product in terms of surface of the product it may crack due to weather conditions or change its original colour and will not operate the way you perceived. While a good brand does not compromise on the material used and manufacturing processes to make these systems quality-oriented and durable. The choice is yours, whether to give weightage to price or quality.

For more details, contact:


Amir Hashmi, profine India Window Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Chief Marketing & Sales Officer

Amir Hashmi is a mechanical engineer with a poised professional career of three decades in the field of sales and marketing, serving the public and private sectors. He has been successful in creating a market for Koemmerling uPVC window and door systems which was new to the fenestration industry a decade ago. His expertise has played an instrumental role in establishing uPVC as a product for the future and gaining trust in the Indian market and has an impactful contribution to the brand value. Earlier during his public sector tenure, he was constructive and successful in promoting MSME sector in the Indian and international markets and establishing their footprints to flourish.

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Sudhakar uPVC Windows and Doors

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