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Sudhakar uPVC Windows and Doors

Updating Building Standards: Heavy Façades, a Proven Solution for Climate Change Related Threats

By: Mickael Moos, Fixinox

In the construction sector, the importance of standards cannot be underestimated, as they are essential for ensuring the safety, durability and functionality of buildings. However, with the increase and intensification of extreme weather events due to climate change, it is imperative to challenge these historic standards and update them to meet new threats.

For which buildings?

Acapulco, Mexico
Acapulco, Mexico

Recent events have been a stark reminder of the brutality with which hurricanes, storms, floods, and high winds can strike, endangering the safety of our citizens and the continuity of essential public services. Hospitals, fire stations, police stations, courts, and public administrations are pillars of our society, and their proper functioning cannot be compromised by the impact of natural disasters.

Storms are not becoming more frequent in the context of climate change, but we can suspect that their power is gradually increasing. This conclusion also applies, with a higher level of confidence, to the strong winds associated with thunderstorms and tornadoes.

Which solutions?

General Shale
General Shale

This is where heavy façades emerge as a proven solution. These building components have stood the test of time, offering enhanced protection against the elements. Heavy façades, specially designed to withstand weather, high winds and impact, represent a reliable solution for strengthening the resilience of our government buildings. In light of these new climatic realities, it has become urgent to rethink existing building standards.

We need to incorporate these lessons in how we construct and renovate our buildings. This means not only adopting more weather-resistant building materials and techniques but also introducing stricter regulations to ensure compliance with the new standards.


In the face of climate change and increasing weather risks, it is imperative that we re-examine our building standards and update them accordingly. Heavy façades offer a proven solution for strengthening the resistance of our buildings to the elements. It is an investment in the resilience of our infrastructure and the protection of our citizens, and it is time to make it a priority in the face of new climatic challenges on the horizon.

Mickael Moos, Fixinox

Product Sales Manager

Mickael Moos graduated with a degree in civil engineering from Ecole des Mines, Nancy, France. He has been part of Fixinox since 2010, contributing significantly to its business development. Fixinox is a family-operated business, boasting over 30 years of experience in the realm of low-energy and sustainable construction.

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