Ahmedabad-based firm – HCP design has won the contract for designing the ambitious Central Vista revamping project at New Delhi. The firm also designed the Sabarmati Riverfront Development Projects. Bharatiya Janata Party’s new headquarters in New Delhi was also designed by HCP Design. The government officials met 15 architects in the project and submitted 24 proposals in September.

The plan involves restructuring the Central Vista in a move that could include revamping or building a new Parliament House by 2022 and razing a dozen government offices to build an integrated complex by 2024. The plan includes building a common secretariat for 70,000 central government employees who are located in 30 buildings, such as Shastri Bhawan, Udyog Bhawan and Krishi Bhawan. The deadline for completion of construction is March 2024.

The plan also includes having a new Parliament by India’s 75th Independence Day in 2022. The government will also change the 2021 Delhi Master Plan to enable the planned revamp that would be executed without felling any trees.

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