Tell us about the company Renson & when was this company established in India.

Renson, a global leader in the field of ventilation, sun protection, and outdoor living solutions, initiated its Indian operations around 2015. This move not only marked the company’s entry into the Indian market but also extended its expertise to cater to the diverse needs of the Middle East.

Renson Fixscreen installed in high rise building to provide a cool temperature bedroom
Renson Fixscreen installed in high rise building to provide a cool temperature bedroom keeping it residents well rested and healthy. Shanghai – China

The journey of Renson in India has been characterised by a steadfast commitment to creating innovative and cutting-edge solutions that redefine the standards of comfort and sustainability. Renson’s introduction into the Indian market was well-timed, considering the rapid urbanisation and increased awareness of environmental concerns in the region. We aim to provide solutions that are not only luxurious but also sustainable, all while ensuring that they cater to the contemporary needs of the Indian populace.

What are the major milestones in the company’s journey and global expansion plans?

In Renson’s international journey, numerous significant milestones have exemplified its commitment to excellence. One pivotal moment in its trajectory was the development of ground-breaking products that have not only captured the imagination of consumers but also set new benchmarks in the industry. These milestones reflect Renson’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of ventilation, sun protection, and outdoor living solutions.

Simultaneously, Renson has exhibited a commitment to expanding its global presence. This expansion encompasses the establishment of key locations in strategic regions, including the United States, Australia and China.

The Renson Fixscreen 100 integrated into the façade of balcony on a 100m high apartment block Shanghai China
The Renson Fixscreen 100 integrated into the façade of balcony on a 100m high apartment block. Shanghai – China

The Fixscreen Minimal, one of Renson’s most celebrated innovations, encapsulates their dedication to pushing boundaries. This innovative sun protection solution is characterised by its minimalist design, featuring a cassette, side channels and fabric roller with minimal dimensions. The screw-free installation design ensures an almost invisible integration into any façade, creating a harmonious blend of aesthetics and highly effective sun protection.

Could you please brief us on some of your recently launched products for health and comfort?

Renson’s recent product launches align closely with the company’s vision to create healthier and more comfortable living spaces, both indoors and outdoors. These new offerings are designed to cater to the evolving needs of modern lifestyles. Notable among them are innovative window ventilation systems, which significantly enhance indoor air quality. In an era where the quality of indoor air is of paramount importance, Renson’s products offer a practical and effective solution.

Additionally, their external shading screens serve as a robust defence against the sun’s intense rays, ensuring a more temperate and pleasant environment. These screens are designed not only to protect against heat but also to mitigate glare, making them an essential component of any well-designed living space.

High rise buildings fitted with a custom solution fixscreen China
High rise buildings fitted with a custom solution fixscreen – China

Renson’s commitment to the well-being of individuals extends to outdoor solutions as well. Their pergolas, for instance, can be equipped with integrated sun protection and heating elements. These additions transform outdoor spaces into comfortable and health-conscious areas, providing a seamless extension of indoor comfort into the open air.

Could you please tell us about some of your cutting-edge R&D and technological advancements?

Renson’s research and development endeavours represent the heart of their innovation. Their continuous focus on cutting-edge technologies is central to their quest to redefine the future of comfortable living. Key areas of advancement include smart ventilation systems, which leverage the power of automation and technology to ensure optimal air quality and energy efficiency.

These systems are designed to adapt to the specific needs of different environments, including the unique challenges posed by India’s diverse climate. The integration of smart sun protection technologies caters to the needs of a dynamic and energy-conscious world. These technologies allow for the automated adjustment of sun protection systems, ensuring that indoor spaces remain comfortable and energy-efficient throughout the day.

High rise buildings fitted with a custom solution fixscreen China
Inside view of High rise buildings fitted with a custom solution fixscreen. – China

Moreover, Renson is committed to using sustainable materials that not only contribute to energy efficiency but also align with the principles of environmental responsibility. These materials form the backbone of their products, ensuring that customers receive solutions that are as sustainable as they are functional. In a country like India, where sustainability is increasingly becoming a top priority, Renson’s commitment to eco-friendly materials is especially significant.

Please tell us about Renson’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities.

Renson takes immense pride in the world-class manufacturing facilities that underpin the production of their products. These state-of-the-art facilities are strategically located across the globe, including regions such as Belgium, the United States, Australia, and Asia. In each of these facilities, precision and quality are upheld as sacred standards throughout the manufacturing process.

Renson nightcooling principle installed with nice aluminium louvre
Renson nightcooling principle installed with nice aluminium louvre giving a nice architectural element to the façade. – Green office Meudon

This meticulous attention to detail ensures that every product that bears the Renson name is a testament to the company’s unwavering commitment to quality. These manufacturing facilities are equipped with the latest technology and staffed by skilled professionals who ensure that every Renson product meets the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship.

Considering the climate and weather in India, what are the measures to be taken for comfortable interior spaces? How do your products boost architecture?

The ability of Renson’s solutions to manage temperature effectively is a crucial aspect of their appeal in India. The country experiences extreme variations in temperature, and having products that can adapt to these fluctuations is a significant advantage. Renson’s products can help reduce energy consumption by efficiently controlling indoor temperatures, which is not only beneficial for individual comfort but also for the environment.

Moreover, they effectively manage humidity levels, creating an atmosphere of optimal comfort. High humidity levels are common in many parts of India, and Renson’s solutions can help maintain a pleasant and healthy indoor environment by regulating humidity.

Architecturally, Renson’s products seamlessly integrate into the building’s design, enhancing both its aesthetics and functionality. This integration not only enhances the visual appeal of the space but also ensures that the architectural design is in perfect harmony with the products’functionality.

What is the importance of façade and fenestration design, considering proper ventilation, and prevention of heat ingress and glare?

Façade & fenestration design are critical elements in the creation of comfortable & functional living spaces. In the context of India’s climate and environmental factors, these aspects become even more vital. Properly designed façades and fenestration not only contribute to effective ventilation but also prevent the ingress of heat and glare.

Green Office in Meudon France
Green Office in Meudon France. installed the principle of night-cooling with a decorative aluminium cap

Renson’s products, such as the Fixscreen, play a pivotal role in addressing these challenges. The Fixscreen, with its minimalist design and advanced engineering, offers an effective solution to ensure that indoor spaces remain comfortable and energy-efficient throughout the year. The design minimizes heat penetration and glare, creating an ambiance of comfort and tranquillity. India’s diverse climate means that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to fenestration and façade design.

Renson’s ability to offer a range of products that can be tailored to the specific needs of different regions in India makes them a valuable partner for architects and builders. Whether it’s the dry heat of Rajasthan or the high humidity of Kerala, Renson’s solutions can be adapted to provide optimal performance.

What role do your products play in providing a comfortable interior environment?

Renson products play an indispensable role in creating comfortable interior environments. By regulating temperature, humidity, and air quality, these products contribute to healthier & more enjoyable living spaces. Temperature regulation ensures that indoor spaces remain pleasant and temperate, irrespective of external weather conditions.

India is known for its extreme weather conditions, with hot summers and cold winters. Renson’s solutions can help residents maintain a comfortable indoor environment throughout the year. Whether it’s the scorching heat of Delhi or the chilly winters of Shimla, Renson’s products can adapt to provide the right conditions.

The control of humidity levels is essential in preventing discomfort and health issues related to excessive moisture. Renson’s products excel in this aspect, providing a balanced and healthy atmosphere. High humidity can lead to issues like mold growth and discomfort. Renson’s solutions can help maintain healthy humidity levels, ensuring that indoor spaces are not only comfortable but also free from moisture-related problems.

How do the Renson products help building sustainably, and in green certification of the projects?

In an era where sustainability and environmental responsibility are paramount, Renson products actively contribute to these objectives. By reducing energy consumption through smart ventilation and shading solutions, they significantly reduce the carbon footprint of buildings. This alignment with sustainability principles is critical in achieving green certifications for projects.

Beautifully integrated Renson Fixscreens covering big windows to provide sun protection on a private residence in Ahmedabad India
Beautifully integrated Renson Fixscreens covering big windows to provide sun protection on a private residence in Ahmedabad – India

India is witnessing a growing interest in green building certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment). These certifications recognize buildings that meet stringent sustainability criteria.

Renson’s products cater to the requirements of eco-conscious projects, making it easier for developers to achieve the desired green certifications.

What do you see as the main challenges faced by the developers in maintaining great outdoor and indoor air quality?

Developers & occupants face numerous challenges when it comes to maintaining excellent outdoor and indoor air quality. External factors such as pollution and environmental conditions can affect outdoor air quality. Simultaneously, indoor spaces can face challenges related to air pollution from various sources, as well as the need for efficient ventilation.

Renson Window ventilation in combination with Renson fixscreen the ideal combination to avoid overheating. Ahmedabad India
Renson Window ventilation in combination with Renson fixscreen the ideal combination to avoid overheating. Ahmedabad – India

In India, urban areas are often plagued by high levels of air pollution. Renson addresses these challenges through its advanced ventilation systems, which are equipped with air purification options. These systems not only provide efficient ventilation but also ensure that the air within the living space is pure and clean. This dual approach guarantees a healthier and more comfortable living environment, whether indoors or outdoors.

The ability of Renson’s products to purify indoor air is especially relevant in India, where cities like Delhi regularly face severe air quality issues. Renson’s solutions can help residents create a safe haven indoors, protecting them from the harmful effects of outdoor air pollution.

What keeps your company ahead of its competitors in terms of products and services offered?

Competitive Edge through Innovation and Quality: Renson’s enduring competitive advantage in the market is driven by its unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, and customer service. The company constantly strives to set new standards by pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realms of ventilation, sun protection, and outdoor living solutions.

This commitment to innovation ensures that Renson’s products remain at the forefront of technological advancements, meeting the evolving needs of modern living. Innovation is key to staying relevant in the rapidly changing world of building solutions, and Renson’s dedication to this aspect keeps them ahead of the competition.

Renson Fixscreen installed in private residence at Vadodara India
Renson Fixscreen installed in private residence at Vadodara – India

Quality, another cornerstone of their approach, is ingrained in every product they manufacture. Precision, attention to detail, and the use of superior materials are hallmarks of Renson’s quality commitment. This ensures that their products not only meet but often exceed the expectations of customers. Quality is a universal requirement, and in India, where customers are becoming increasingly discerning, it’s essential to deliver products that stand up to scrutiny.

Where do you see the company and its products evolving over the next 10 years?

Looking ahead, Renson envisions a future where they play an even more pivotal role in creating healthier, more sustainable, and supremely comfortable living environments across the globe. Over the next decade, they plan to expand their product range with an increased focus on sustainability. The integration of IoT (Internet of Things) and smart technologies will be central to their strategy, allowing them to offer solutions that are not just reactive but proactive, catering to the dynamic needs of the modern world.

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